2 Benefits Of Mobile Doctor Visits When Your Child Is Sick
If you just moved to a new city and have a sick child at home, do you really want to haul the child out in the freezing cold weather with your other children to take him or her to the doctor? If this seems like too much work, there is an alternative option that would be much more convenient. You could call a mobile doctor to come to your home to examine your sick child. Here are two benefits this would offer to you in this situation.
The primary benefit offered by mobile doctors is convenience. With this option, you will not have to take a sick child out in the cold, and you will not have to worry about finding someone to watch your other children while you go.
You could simply call a clinic that offers urgent care house calls, and they would send a doctor to you. This option would also be more convenient if you did not have a vehicle to drive, and it would offer a way to avoid exposing your other children to the germs present in a doctor's office.
Mobile doctors are also available 24 hours a day. This makes it extremely convenient if your child wakes up really sick in the middle of the night or early in the morning.
Full service
When you hire a mobile doctor, the doctor will be prepared to examine the child and run a variety of different tests. For example, if the child has a sore throat, the doctor could run a strep test while he or she is there. In addition, the doctor will also have all the necessary tools to listen to the child's heartbeat, look in his or her ears, and examine the child's throat.
In most cases, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis of the condition and prescribe medication for the child. You will have to run to your nearest pharmacy to get this, though, unless you have one nearby that offers delivery services.
When hiring a mobile doctor, it is important to select a company that accepts your health insurance. This will keep the costs as low as possible, and you might only be required to pay a copayment at the time of services.
If you have a sick child and do not want to go out of the house, you could hire a doctor that offers urgent care house calls in your area.