Things You Should Know To Make Dementia Caregiving Easier
Caregiving for a loved one who has a diagnosis of dementia, or who is starting to show the classic signs, is never easy. But understanding more about their condition and how you can be most helpful will take some of the stress off of you and your other family members. Keep in mind these tips for understanding and helping a loved one with dementia.
Some Days Will Be Better Than Others
Although dementia is a progressive disease, it isn't always complete, linear, or consistent. Some days, you may feel like you have your parent back, while on other days, you are shocked and saddened at the mental condition your parent is in. The best thing you can do is take those good days to enjoy and accomplish as much as you can.
While Dementia Has Similar Symptoms, Each Person is Different
Every person will react to dementia differently. That is why your presence at cognitive evaluations is so important. You have more information than any doctor could glean on their own; you know what your loved one's personality was like when they were healthy. You can provide information about how your parent's personality is changing, which can help a doctor determine how rapidly cognitive decline is happening, and what steps need to be taken to preserve their life quality.
Accepting Help Isn't Failure
Taking care of the complete needs of someone with dementia is nearly impossible for just one person to do. You will be dealing with your loved one's varying moods and levels of communication, sometimes difficult scheduling issues, and lots of added tasks on your plate in addition to your own self-care needs. Seeking out help from an elderly care specialist in the home can actually make you more effective as a caregiver.
By conserving some of your energy and seeking out help when you need it, you can deliver the care that your loved one needs the most. Often, just your positive and loving presence is a greater blessing to your loved one than clean and folded laundry, which a care assistant could easily do for you. In addition, these professionals are trained to recognize and understand the various cognitive and personality differences of those with dementia, and you may be able to get help or support from them in learning how to best interact with a parent or loved one with changing cognitive skills.
For more information and assistance, contact a company like Polish Helping Hands.