Are You Considering Cryotherapy? Here’s Why It’s A Great Idea!

For something that involves extreme cold, cryotherapy has become one of the hottest new fitness crazes in the nation. Professional athletes, soldiers, and others swear that the process can ease their muscle pain, reduce back strain, boost their metabolism, and give them other assorted benefits.

If you're considering this type of treatment for your acute or chronic condition, here's what you should know:

What is cryotherapy?

Essentially, it's a whole-body treatment using extremely cold temperatures. Methods range from cold packs to the use of a full-body cold chamber in which your body is subjected to temperatures that are below 200 degrees Fahrenheit for up to four minutes.

Is cryotherapy safe?

Yes, when properly handled, cryotherapy is safe. It has a long history in Japan (going back to the 1970s) and has been used to treat conditions as diverse as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Some people use these sessions occasionally, such as when they have particular soreness after an intense physical training session or a flareup of their medical condition. Others use it literally every morning for the health benefits they derive.

Experts suggest that cryotherapy should be used relatively often, along with home exercise programs or physical therapy treatments for the most benefit. An acute injury or post-surgical care may require only a limited number of treatments, while chronic conditions will benefit from ongoing sessions. Those people who are looking for increased metabolism, younger skin, migraine relief, and the mental functioning benefits associated with the treatment should consider daily sessions.

How does the process work?

The extremely cold temperature of each session functions as a vasoconstrictor in the body. This is what helps eliminate or relieve many painful conditions associated with inflammation. It also helps reduce fevers and can be a safe alternative to medications. In addition, the cold shocks the body into releasing stress hormones, including dopamine, adrenaline, and cortisol. All of these help the human body withstand pain and are associated with feelings of overall wellness.

Some people do report a few negative side-effects after their sessions. Numbness and tingling on the skin and even some redness are not unusual. However, those are generally temporary conditions that go away quickly. It's also important to follow proper procedures as recommended by the service provider, including things like removing all metal jewelry and covering sensitive parts of the body when necessary. It's also critical not to overdo your time limit in a session because of the extreme cold.

If you're ready to take an all-natural step toward health and wellness, check out cryotherapy services near you.
