Starting your educational path towards a degree in sports medicine is only one step to reaching your goal. At some point during your education, you will come face to face with choosing a career concentration. If you aren't sure which direction you want to go in, which option is an ideal choice for you, or which concentration will work with your own fitness lifestyle then here are four to think about.
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If you're having skin problems you're probably considering visiting a dermatologist. This can be a daunting experience if you've never seen a specialized physician, so here are a few key things you should know before seeing a dermatologist.
Know your needs.
There are many reasons why one might want to visit a dermatologist, and the care you're looking for will dictate which type of dermatologist you should see. You should first assess whether you are interested in medical advice or a cosmetic procedure.
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You've noticed that your cat is frequently at their water dish and food bowl. When they aren't eating or drinking, they seem anxious as they wander around the house. Your cat may have hyperthyroidism, a common disease in felines. A visit to your veterinarian will confirm this and medications are available to control it. Here is what to expect and how to help your feline companion cope with their illness.
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America's rapidly aging baby boomer population is forcing millions of families to think about end-of-life care options. Many families assume that nursing homes are the best option, and 1.4 million Americans currently live in nursing homes according to the CDC. In reality, however, senior care in the home offers three big advantages over nursing homes.
Better Quality of Life
Maybe the biggest reason to choose home care for seniors is that seniors overwhelmingly prefer living at home to living in a nursing home.
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Cataract surgery is performed to remove clouded areas of the natural lens of the eye. An artificial lens is then used to replace the natural one. This form of surgery is successful over 85% of the time. However, it can affect you in different ways if you have other existing eye conditions. Here are three examples of such cases:
Diabetic Retinopathy
This is a condition in which diabetes damages your retinal blood vessels.
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