If you have bunions on your big toes, then you likely understand that the painful protrusions are the result of bone and soft tissue deformation. This often means that simple procedures and treatments are not enough to treat the issue. While this is true, surgical procedures can be used to repair the bunion permanently. The vast majority of bunion surgeries are successful, but there are a few complications that can occur as well.
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Lymphedma is a problematic condition that can cause serious pain in those who suffer from it. However, the use of ultrasound in a variety of ways shows promise for those who have it and could help avoid complications.
Lymphedema Can Be Painful
Lymphedema is a condition caused by the failure or removal of lymph nodes after surgery or during cancer treatment. These nodes are essential for capturing a variety of foreign substances and destroying them.
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When you require the care of an occupational therapist for any reason, the logical solution is to contact your local clinic, make an appointment, and visit at the agreed-upon time and date. However, this isn't the only way that you can receive the many services of an occupational therapist. Many therapists can treat patients outside of the clinic; you may have to pay a little more for your session, but having a trusted therapist come to wherever you are can be highly valuable if you're unable to visit the clinic.
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Finding a health practitioner who specializes in neck care is vitally important when you're suffering from neck pain. An assessment as to the reason for your pain, as well as a treatment plan customized to your specific issue, can help to reduce and eliminate the pain for you. However, it's also worthwhile for you to take steps yourself to work on this pain, provided that you run them past your health practitioner to ensure that they aren't in contravention of the care you're currently receiving.
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Diabetes can have devastating effects on your eyesight. Your primary care physician will refer you to an ophthalmologist to have an eye exam yearly to keep track of your eyesight and make sure there is no damage to your eye. However, if you notice you have "floaters", or small specks that seem to move across your sight, you should definitely make an appointment even if are not due for another exam for a while.
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