If you want to start a family, it is always best to consult with your obstetric gynecologist before you start trying to conceive. Preparing your body for conception can reduce risks to both you and your unborn child, and increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy.
Have Regular Gynecological Screenings
Although routine gynecological screenings are important for overall reproductive health, they are also important if you anticipate starting a family. Screening guidelines have changed in recent years and based on your past test results, you may not need to have a PAP test and pelvic exam every year.
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There are many health conditions that can affect the ears. One such little-known condition is otosclerosis. Get to know some of the important facts about otosclerosis and the treatment options available for the condition. Then, if you start to have ear problems, you can contact an ear, nose, and throat specialist to help you determine if otosclerosis is the culprit.
What Is Otosclerosis?
Otosclerosis is a condition that affects the middle ear and involves an unusual hardening of the bones that make up the inner ear.
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Eating disorders are very complicated, and both male and female teenagers can suffer from them. In many cases, treatment at an eating disorder center is necessary to help a person recover from an eating disorder. Treatment at an eating disorder center is incredibly beneficial for a person with an eating disorder, but it is important to realize that a person is not magically healed of their illness after treatment. If you are the parent of a teenager recovering from an eating disorder, it is important to know what to expect after your child completes his or her in-patient treatment.
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The signs of an ear infection may not always be clear. Sometimes your child may actually complain of an earache, but some other children may not complain at all, which is why knowing when your child has an ear infection can be difficult to diagnose yourself. Read on for a few signs and symptoms of an ear infection and ways to help prevent them.
Pulling At The Ear
If your child is pulling on their ears or rubbing their ears at all it could be the sign of an ear infection.
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If you encounter a situation where you need to care for a wound, it's important to know what steps to take. While wounds range in severity and location, here are a few basic steps you can take to make sure the wound is properly cared for.
Determine the severity of the wound. If the wound gapes or is more than 1/2 an inch long, it may require stitches. Make sure your hands are clean.
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