Asthma is a common respiratory condition that affects over 24 million Americans. Asthma causes difficulty breathing, especially during exercise. Sufferers can also experience an 'asthma attack,' a sudden and debilitating escalation of symptoms, which can be life-threatening. However, asthma can be managed to ensure that it does not impede your daily activities.
What Causes Asthma?
Air is carried in and out of the lungs through small tubes called bronchi. Asthma causes these tubes to inflame and constrict, impeding the flow of air in and out of the lungs, and thus causing difficulty breathing.
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When creating a senior care program for your aging parents, you'll want to consider incorporating pet therapy. Paws for People reports that pet therapy benefits a patient's physical health by lowering blood pressure, releasing oxytocin that works to calm the individual, and reducing the amount of pain the person is suffering from. It also has emotional advantages as well, such as providing comfort, lessening depression, and getting rid of that feeling of loneliness.
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If you incorporate daily exercise workouts into your daily routine, then it can be difficult to go without your hearing aids. If you exercise around your neighborhood, out in the street, then this can increase safety concerns. Therefore, you may want to wear your hearing aids at all times. However, if your hearing aid is not treated before and after you exercise, then you can end up suffering from ear inflammation for the next few days.
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Visiting the chiropractor can do wonders for your health and wellness. However, successful chiropractic treatments involve more than just a competent chiropractor. They require the patient to be active and involved in their own treatments. Here are three ways to get more out of your chiropractic appointments by being an engaged, proactive patient.
Give an accurate and complete health history.
You might think that a health issue you suffered from 10 years ago is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the problems your chiropractor is helping you address now – but that's not always the case.
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27 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, and the condition only gets worse with age. Once the cartilage between your bones starts to deteriorate, your bones start to rub against one another, causing pain and inflammation in your joints. It can be difficult to manage the pain in between the recommended dosage of your pain medication. However, there are ways. Using natural alternatives, you will be able to relieve the pain while waiting for your next dose.
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