Addressing Two Concerns About Recieving Psychiatric Care

Suffering from a mental or emotional problem can be an extremely painful and confusing experience. In addition to being embarrassed about these issues, many patients are also ill-informed about their treatment options. More precisely, psychiatric care can greatly help patients that are experiencing these problems. Yet, if you have never sought this type of care, you might need the following couple of questions answered before you are able to make a sound choice for meeting your mental health needs. Read More 

3 Ways To Help Preserve Your Hair During Chemotherapy

Finding out you have cancer is already a terrible thing, but the thought of having to go through chemo and lose your hair as well is just another terrible thing added to the list. This is even truer for women. Just thinking about losing your long locks can be devastating. While losing your hair is a possibility when undergoing chemo treatments, there are a few things you can try to minimize your chances of losing your hair. Read More 

Treating Injuries When Your Child Is Learning To Walk

When your child takes their first few steps, you will most likely be extremely proud of their new accomplishment. While this is a milestone in a child's life, it also signifies the need for parents to be on guard at all times to help ward off and treat injuries. Small children often have several falling incidents as they learn how to walk. Here are some of the most common new walker injuries, how to treat them effectively, and when to head to an emergency clinic or hospital, such as  Peninsula Community Health Services- Medical (Cottonwood), for help. Read More 

What You Can Expect If You Have A Tummy Tuck

If you are thinking about getting a tummy tuck, then you should learn about the procedure and what you can expect during the recovery period. This will help you to come to a decision on whether or not a tummy tuck is going to be the right choice for you. This article will educate you on a complete abdominoplasty and the recovery process. How a complete abdominoplasty is done This procedure is often the best option for people who need quite a bit to be done in order for them to receive noticeable results. Read More 

4 Things Lupus Sufferers Need To Know About Anterior Uveitis

Anterior uveitis, also known as iritis, is an eye condition characterized by inflammation of the uvea. The uvea, which includes your iris, is the middle layer of your eye. It's located just behind the visible, white portion of your eye. This painful eye condition can be caused by lupus, an autoimmune disease. Here are four things lupus sufferers need to know about anterior uveitis. How does lupus cause this problem? Read More