Think You Can’t Afford A Facelift? The Price Of Beauty Is More Affordable Than You Think!

If you are contemplating a facelift but do not think you could ever afford one, think again. Believe it or not, even though a facelift is a significant medical procedure, it is not completely unattainable. With a little planning and some realistic budgeting, you can not only afford a facelift, but also afford it sooner than you might think. Determine What Kind of Facelift You Want Not all facelifts are the same. Read More 

Prevent Falls With A Walk-In Tub

As adults get older, there comes a point where they will start to lose some mobility. Eventually, they will be at a greater risk of falling and becoming injured. In fact, one out of three adults over the age of 65 will fall at least once per year. Many times these falls are caused because they are trying to get in and out of the bathtub but because of their decrease in mobility they are not able to do so. Read More 

3 Tips For Protecting Your Eyes

Your eyes are one of the most important organs in your body. It is vital that you properly care for your eyes, but many people do not take the necessary steps to ensure that they are caring for their eyes. Here are some things that you should be doing often to protect your eyes. 1. Protect Your Eyes From The Sun Everyone knows that it is important to wear sunscreen. Your skin can easily become damaged in the sun. Read More 

Ignorance Is Far from Bliss: the Importance of Monitoring Preeclampsia for a Safe Pregnancy

When the character of Lady Sybil from the popular television show Downton Abbey died during childbirth, it may have seemed to many viewers like an artifact of the times. After all, the show is a historical drama, and the episode was set in 1920, nearly a hundred years ago. It's easy to think of childbirth as being much more dangerous in the past, with more primitive medical techniques and less sophisticated equipment. Read More 

3 Ways To Ease Your Toddler’s Earache

Toddlers are not the biggest fans of having earaches. It can make them fussy, more prone to temper tantrums, and generally very difficult to be around. As a parent, you will also want to make sure that your child's earache is healed as quickly as possible so that he or she is not in pain. Here are some natural remedies to heal earaches that you can try before making an appointment with the doctor. Read More