Are You Considering Cryotherapy? Here’s Why It’s A Great Idea!

For something that involves extreme cold, cryotherapy has become one of the hottest new fitness crazes in the nation. Professional athletes, soldiers, and others swear that the process can ease their muscle pain, reduce back strain, boost their metabolism, and give them other assorted benefits. If you're considering this type of treatment for your acute or chronic condition, here's what you should know: What is cryotherapy? Essentially, it's a whole-body treatment using extremely cold temperatures. Read More 

Symptoms That May Alert Your Physician To Anemia

The next time you visit your family doctor, he or she may suspect you have anemia simply based upon your physical examination. Normally, anemia is diagnosed with a complete blood count, or CBC; however, your doctor may suspect that you have it based solely on your physical examination. Here are some telltale signs and symptoms of anemia that your family doctor may notice during your routine checkup: Tachycardia While tachycardia, or a fast heartbeat, can mean that you have a cardiac arrhythmia or that you are anxious, it can also mean that you are anemic. Read More 

Understanding Opiate Withdrawals

Drug use comes with a bevy of negative consequences. Unfortunately, trying to end a drug addiction can also be dangerous. This is especially true when the drug you are trying to quit is an opiate. Opiates are extremely addictive and can cause physical, emotional, and mental discomfort when an individual attempts to break their addiction to opiate drugs. Understanding how opiates work will allow you to gain a better understanding of the serious withdrawal symptoms you may face when kicking opiate drugs to the curb. Read More 

Tips To Help You Get Through Labor

If you are pregnant, no matter how far along you are, it is time to start thinking about labor. Preparing for labor is more than just getting ready physically it is about your state of mind. Here are some ways you can prepare for this life changing experience even if it is not your first time around. Think Positively Even if you have given birth already and it was a taxing experience it does help as you approach labor to hear the more positive side of things. Read More 

3 Ways To Prepare For A Healthy Pregnancy

If you want to start a family, it is always best to consult with your obstetric gynecologist before you start trying to conceive. Preparing your body for conception can reduce risks to both you and your unborn child, and increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy. Have Regular Gynecological Screenings Although routine gynecological screenings are important for overall reproductive health, they are also important if you anticipate starting a family. Screening guidelines have changed in recent years and based on your past test results, you may not need to have a PAP test and pelvic exam every year. Read More